Prepared. For Life.®

Fall Clean-up and Turkeys for Vets


Fall Clean-up and Turkeys for Vets

On Saturday, November 19th, Troop 7 partnered with their charter organization AmVets Post #79 in Natick, for fall cleanup and helping to distribute turkeys at the Annual Turkeys for Vets event.

Scouts, Scoutmasters, and other adult volunteers braved the sunny but brisk November morning to blow, rake, and haul leaves around the AmVets property. The Scouts hauled some 40 loads of leaves out of the wooded areas around the complex.

After cleaning up the AmVets property, Scouts helped Post #79 with the Annual Turkeys for Vets event. Scouts helped veterans carry turkeys to cars, directed traffic, and visited with and gave thanks to local veterans.

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